Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ask Me Know Questions

Have you noticed that Nadira's been doing a lot of not knowing lately? Check it out:

Page 99, after getting a compliment from Lily:
"I don't know what she means exactly."
Page 113, when she's hugging Aisha:
"I don't know what to say."
She also says she's sick of knowing too much (99). So what do you think? Will she know, will she actually know, before all is said and done? And what will she know?

Monday, March 2, 2009


Julia made some excellent points about how annoying Aisha is on her blog this weekend.

This is different, in some ways, from what Kat was looking at in her blog post, which ended with the moment when Nadira looks at the bangle on Aisha's wrist and feels jealous.


DaVaughn's brilliant idea

DaVaughn made a good point on her blog this weekend. I know when I was younger and my sister would talk smack about me it would really make me sad. 

Boghossian's good idea

I really liked what Boghossian had to say about Aisha's comment. I agree with her that it was rude of Aisha to talk about people's weight problems in the way that she did. Harsh.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Let's make a post about cool stuff we can do.

Alissa's point about the family's hopes for their future is smart. Alissa, you AND your blog are radical:

"I think that this sentence sums up, in a way, their hopes for their future. They don't seem to have much hope that they will become U.S. citizens. Yet, they are driving to Canada to apply for an asylum, something that they might get turned down for. It also shows that they thought of immigration is in their mind always."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


"Generation after generation the water and the land melt and blur; people move across borders that make no sense." (page 55).

I really liked this sentence. I thought that the image of land and water melting was very pretty and poetic. It seems like this book is interested in the ideas of borders and how they change.